When my days get long and my patience wears thin, I find great comfort in sitting down with another mom facing the same struggles. That adult interaction is so helpful to keep my feet on the ground and my eyes on the cross.
That’s why I started this podcast. I want to sit on the couch with you and talk about your struggles and remind you that you’re not alone. I want to remind you that you’re doing a great job.
You can subscribe to the podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and listen to it anywhere you listen to your podcasts.
Episode Shownotes

Identifying and dealing with destructive anger
Even if we don’t want to admit it, anger is an emotion common to us all. While it isn’t categorically a bad emotion, its manifestation…

Praying Scripture back to God
I can easily find myself on repeat mode when it comes to prayer, saying the same things for the same people or situations. I also…

A Jesus Easter: Explore God’s Amazing Rescue Plan with author Barbara Reaoch
I was so blessed to talk to Barbara Reaoch on today’s episode. Barbara’s passion to serve Christ is so apparent and she has dedicated her…

Balancing tolerance, coexistence, and biblical conviction
If you are a regular listener, you may have heard the first part of my conversation last week with apologist and author Hillary Morgan Ferrer….

Equipping children to defend their faith with Hillary Morgan Ferrer
My husband and I have three school-aged boys. We have made a deliberate decision to enroll all three of them in public school, a topic…

Behind the masks we wear: An honest talk about depression with Pastor Alistair Chalmers
It’s easy to wear a mask to hide our brokenness, but it’s OK to not be OK. It was a huge encouragement to speak with…

11 thought-provoking questions to focus 2022
New year’s resolutions can sometimes become cliché, rehashing the same generic goals each year. Today, I want to share ten 11 intentional questions that will…

Does growth REALLY need to be uncomfortable?
When I feel that I am out of my comfort zone, then I have a God-given chance to grow. Are you experiencing discomfort in some…

Beyond the Music: A closer look at ‘O Holy Night’
There are few things I love more than music–both listening and singing. I have several Spotify playlists that I rotate through all day long, depending…

Invite singles into your crazy: Ministering to singles in your church
I’ve been married for 11 years and have three kids–the oldest of which is nine years old. I feel far removed from singleness. Though I…

Mission-minded for busy moms: Being intentional in the home with Rivers Partin
I often think of missions as serving in a remote jungle village, translating the Bible on a life-long calling. While there are certainly those scenarios,…

Moms teach practical theology to kiddos every day
Theology is defined as the study of the nature of God and religious belief. When I think about the word ‘theology’, my mind doesn’t immediately…

💃🏻 Get on that dance floor, mom!
As moms, we like to maintain an image of dignity and “togetherness”. We like our comfort zone, and stepping outside of it will could allow…

Episode 29 – I did a really hard thing this fall 🏃🏻♀️
After some much-needed time away from the microphone, it’s so good to be back in the studio! A lot has happened over the several months…

Thank you for an incredible first season
This has been an amazing first season of the Keeping My Sanity podcast. I didn’t know what I was getting myself into when I started,…

Being willing is where serving God begins
How often does God call you to serve where you are completely comfortable? Many times, God uses our own discomfort as a tool to draw…

Finding Hope in a world of anxiety with author Helen Thorne
If you’re anything like me, this past year has pushed all of the anxiety buttons. It can be crippling and, at times, downright terrifying. Even…

My super-short change-of-plans episode
It’s National Gardening Day! (and I’m sort of freaking out about it!) Today’s episode was going to be all about gardening–how relaxing and rewarding it…

Self-care is not selfish, it’s biblical
When we are so busy being moms and wives, sometimes the term ‘self care’ can be a laughable concept. Even if we had the time…

Sometimes, a chat with another mom is exactly what you need
There are definitely times as a mom that you feel like you’re doing it all alone. Whether it’s the kids fighting, the messy house, or…

Called to the Ordinary: When Being Mom is So Much More than Enough
As a mom, every day can seem exactly like the one before and the one before that. All of the tedious things we do can…

God Chooses Creativity: The Value of Diversity and the Gospel with Trillia Newbell
Trillia Newbell is a Christian author of several books—for young kids all the way through adults—that specifically talk about how diversity is a celebration of…

Our nomadic adventure that forced us to rely on God
Have you ever had a moment when everything seemed to fall into place? Dreams you forgot you ever had were coming true in front of…

How we went from know-nothing-newlyweds to financially stable
Through all of our naivety and poor choices, it has taken us nearly a decade to feel financially stable. We may not be where we’d…

Where is that picture-perfect motherhood I once imagined?
God uses the daily struggles and sacrifices of motherhood to make us more like Christ. There are many books on motherhood but not many that…

Practical steps toward a healthy lifestyle
A healthy lifestyle is sometimes the last thing we focus on after all of the other stress we face every day. Health is always a…

I’m not good enough—The lies we think and believe
Perhaps you can relate to the constant urge I feel to be better than I am and the emptiness that follows. The pressing feelings of…

Serving God Where You Are with Michelle Triebold
Raise your hand if you’ve ever thought or said something along the lines of, “I wish I could help, but I don’t have anything to…

The Power of Christ to Change Little Hearts
As a mom, I can exhaust myself trying to change my kids. It seems like they purposely disobey in the exact same way over and…

8 Books I Use to Share Christ With My Kids
Book Reviews 1. The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross: The True Story of Why Jesus Died and Rose Again In a book he wrote…

Leading Your Children to Love God and His Word
Perhaps the most sacred responsibility God has entrusted us with as moms is leading our children to love the Savior and His word. The way…

Speak Well of Your Husband
Shortly before I married Josh, my friend Ginny passed on a small quote that has dramatically shaped our relationship. It’s too good to keep to…

What Homeschool has Taught Me
In March 2020 I, like millions of other parents across the world, received a notice that school was closed for the reminder of the year….

Mom Break: Let Me Entertain the Kiddos For You
Sometimes, moms just need a break! I’d like to give you that break with today’s episode. We’re going to take a journey through a rendition…

Balancing Priorities as a Mompreneur
I sat down with my sister, Ashley, this week on the podcast. In the last year or so, she has transformed the hobby she loves…

Intentional Food Choices for Busy Moms
If you’re anything like me, you understand how difficult it can be to make great food choices for yourself. Even if you follow an organized…

Walking Through Hard Together
Real quick. I’m giving away one copy of the book I talk about in the podcast Sunday at 8 pm (CST). If you’re on the…

Disappointment: Finding Clarity and Truth
Dealing with disappointment and loneliness is a huge part of being a mom. Each time we face disappointment, we have a choice. We can dwell…

Passing Down Traditions We Value
I found a quote the other day that really struck a chord with me. “Family traditions reveal what you value enough to repeat, and –…

Rapid-Fire Interview With Me, Tina
Not everyone knows me, so I wanted the chance to introduce myself. But, let’s be honest, it’s really awkward monologuing about yourself. Instead, I made…

How to Meal Plan: A Complete Guide for Beginners
Meal planning is easy! It saves money, reduces stress, and you’ll never need to ask, “What’s for dinner?” again! Let’s meal plan together!

A Chat About Loneliness in Motherhood
Motherhood is a wonderful blessing from God, but so often, it can be tough to get through each day. The feeling of complete isolation and…