Rapid-Fire Interview With Me, Tina

Not everyone knows me, so I wanted the chance to introduce myself. But, let’s be honest, it’s really awkward monologuing about yourself. Instead, I made some pumpkin spice scones and had a good friend over to chat.

Of course, you can listen to more snippets in the episode above, but here are some highlights from the interview.

Question: Why did you start a podcast in the first place?

Answer: As a mom, so many things are swept under the rug. We just don’t talk about them and it makes us feel so lonely. I think it’s important that we can all acknowledge things and put them out there as real issues. I want this podcast to be a place that encourages other moms. I want them to know they aren’t on this journey alone. I want them to know that I hear them. I’m right beside them, and I care. Together, I hope we can shift our focus to Christ and in serving him through motherhood.

Question: What is your happy place?

Answer: I actually have a few happy places. The first is in the kitchen. I fell in love with baking by ‘helping’ my grandma as a child. We’d spend hours making desserts and bread and I love returning to those memories every day in my own kitchen.

I also love music! There is rarely a time when I’m not singing along to something on Spotify.

Question: What is your favorite Bible verse?

Answer: I’m going to cheat and list a few, but I can do that because it’s my podcast. I can do what I want.

My kitchen has sticky notes on all of the cabinets. the microwave and the fridge. I haven’t counted recently, but I’d say it’s somewhere around 25 or 30. Many of them are Bible verses that have stuck out to me. The goal is to put them in a prominent location so I look at them often–which usually works.

I’ve really fallen in love recently with Psalm 19:14. “Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.”

Another really good one (as opposed to a bad one?) lately has been Psalm 66:16. “Come and hear, all you who fear God,
and I will tell what he has done for my soul.”

Both of those just remind me to keep my focus on Christ and remembering all He has done for my. It’s easy to place prioritize motherhood ‘duties’ above seeking to worship God and consider what He has done for me.

Here is the scone recipe I made for the interview. I hope you enjoy!

Your Turn

What questions do you have that would help you get to know me a little better? Let me know in the comments!

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