Does anyone else want to start Christmas music and put up the tree after Halloween? I mean, I love Thanksgiving too. I don’t want to skip over the holiday, I just think the pumpkin pie experience is improved when it’s next to a sparkly evergreen. Maybe that’s just me. 🤷🏻♀️
I have mentioned several books on the podcast over the last year. I thought now would be a good time to share some of my favorites. I also threw in a few other things I like to use in the kitchen and some things that I just want. 😜
The following list may contain affiliate links. I may earn a small commission if you purchase the product via one of my links.
Silicone Baking Mat Set
So much I love about these! I don’t need to worry about my baked goodies sticking to the pan or remembering to grease it first, just like parchment paper. But unlike parchment paper, these can be reused hundreds of times (and I have) which is just a small way that I can limit waste in our home. See on Amazon…
Silicone Spatulas
Scrambling eggs, scraping out cans, mixing, or cooking a sauce – I use these daily. And the cute colors make being in the kitchen even more fun. I wouldn’t complain if I found more of these in my stocking this year. See on Amazon…
Cookie Spatula
The kitchen right now smells like cookies since our middle and I have been baking today. This spatula size is the best for cookies. But this is also perfect for bars and cakes. I love pairing tools like this with a festive towel and cookie-cutter for an easy (but useful) gift idea. See on Amazon…
Reusable Fabric Bowl Covers (Set of 3)
I only have the large size for fabric bowl covers. I use it every time I make bread as the dough initially rises in the bowl. It fits perfectly over my mixing bowl. I’ve even used it to take my bowl outside to rise in the warm sunshine while I’m gardening. The patterns are fun, and like the baking mats, these are reusable, unlike cling wrap. See on Amazon…
Rifle Paper Co. Notebooks
These notebooks are about the same size as my Bible, so it works really well for note-taking in church. Somewhat more on the nerdy end of things, the binding lets them lay pretty flat and the line spacing is exquisite. Yea, I said it. Having three of them lets me keep a few around the house for when creativity strikes. See it on Amazon…
Cameron’s Coffee Roasted Ground Coffee
I have found my new favorite coffee. So if anyone feels like sticking this in my stocking, I won’t complain. See on Amazon…
Be Kind Graphic Tee
Kindness – something I want my kiddos to practice and something I hope to mirror for them. This is by far one of my favorite shirts. See on Amazon…
2022 Wall Calendar (the best one)
This is the calendar I keep on the wall in our kitchen and the same one I want to get again for next year. It doesn’t take up as much space as a traditional calendar, has plenty of room for notes/scheduling, and is hung from a wire so your hook won’t rip through the pages. See on Amazon…
2022 Instant Happy Notes Boxed Calendar
Unfortunately, you only get to read one thought each day with a calendar like this. The last time I had one, I found myself saving so many to keep as reminders for motivation and encouragement. See on Amazon…
Treasuring Christ When Your Hands Are Full: Gospel Meditations for Busy Moms
In the early years of motherhood, it can be hard to find enough downtime or brainpower to dig into a good book. Gloria Furman is so relatable (even across cultures) and wrote this book with shorter chapters for those of us longing for the truth of the Gospel to revive our hectic lives. See on Amazon…
Not From Around Here: What Unites Us, What Divides Us, and How We Can Move Forward
Take a step back and take a look from other perspectives. I’m still reading this one, but have already been challenged to see beyond myself. See on Amazon…
Everyday Worship: Our Work, Heart and Jesus (Focus for Women)
I. Can. Relate. So. Much. I have read through this book twice and will again. God has used it to change me and check myself through the examples and understanding of Mary and Martha. See it on Amazon…
Mama Bear Apologetics™: Empowering Your Kids to Challenge Cultural Lies
Growing up in more conservative circles, I didn’t realize what was really going on in the world. This book has been especially helpful for me in walking through life with our boys in public school and learning how to defend what we believe while seeing the souls around us. See on Amazon…
Mama Bear Apologetics® Guide to Sexuality: Empowering Your Kids to Understand and Live Out God’s Design
I didn’t want to need this book. I would have rather kept my head in the sand and avoid it all. But I’m glad it is available and feel I have a better understanding for the differences around me and how I can love others while sharing how God designed us. Be watching for my interview with author Hillary Morgan Ferrer in the next few weeks. See on Amazon…
The End of Me: Finding Resurrection Life in the Daily Sacrifices of Motherhood
This is such an easy read and so down to earth. I found myself smiling and nodding while reading her stories which sound so familiar to my life while being encouraged to live sacrificially like Christ. See on Amazon…
Devoted: Great Men and Their Godly Moms
I referenced this book once in a podcast to encourage moms to keep going because God is working. I had never really thought about the moms of great spiritual leaders like Spurgeon. Although these mothers may not have lived to see the fruit of their labors in Christ, God used them in amazing ways. This is a perfect gift for moms (so says this boymom). See on Amazon…
Glory in the Ordinary: Why Your Work in the Home Matters to God (The Gospel Coalition)
This is in my pile of books I’m waiting to read, but since I have been encouraged by Gloria’s life and other books, I know this is going to be good. See on Amazon…
Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Christ for Sinners and Sufferers
Oh look! Another book on my “to read” stack of books that has come so highly recommended to me. See on Amazon…
Women of the Word: How to Study the Bible with Both Our Hearts and Our Minds (Second Edition)
You might be thinking that you already know how to read the Bible. I did. But Jen Wilkin presents more background and methods to dig into God’s Word. Whether you are a new believer or have been raised in a church pew, I’m sure you will benefit from this book. See on Amazon…
Ten Words to Live By: Delighting in and Doing What God Commands
I don’t have this book. But because I have been challenged by her other writings, I want this book. See on Amazon…