Book Reviews
1. The Garden, the Curtain, and the Cross: The True Story of Why Jesus Died and Rose Again
In a book he wrote as part of the ‘Tales that Tell the Truth’ series, Carl Laferton tells the story of how the first sin in the Garden created division between God and man, represented by the curtain in the Old Testament temple. Then he delivers the devastating punishment of the cross that brings with it the magnificent news of the resurrection. This is such a complete picture of the curse of sin and the hope of the cross! View on Amazon…
2. God’s Very Good Idea: A True Story About God’s Delightfully Different Family
Trillia Newbell expertly tackles the—sometimes tough—topic of the similarities and differences between God’s wonderful design. She celebrates the creativity of God in all of the expressive features of each person. She explains how we are all so gloriously different and still magnificently loved by the Savior. This book is a treasure, and we read it often. This is in the ‘Tales that Tell the Truth’ series as well. View on Amazon…
3. Good Good Father
This is such a cute book by Chris Tomlin and Pat Barrett.. An adorable bear journeys through the country, meeting other animals along the way. Each shares one characteristic of the benevolent king. Finally, the bear meets the king and discovers that everything he has been told is true. The king is even better than everyone promised. It’s such a charming book that highlights the wonderful character of God. View on Amazon…
4. The Prisoners, the Earthquake, and the Midnight Song: A True Story and how God Uses People to Save People
Like you might expect, this tells the story of Paul, Silas, and the Philippian jailor. Bob Hartman uses this fascinating story and pulls out the rich truth of God’s forgiveness and demonstrates how He uses His people to perform His work. View on Amazon…
5. We Are the Gardners
Joanna Gaines wrote this one with her kids. While it isn’t necessarily gospel-focused like the others on the list, it lets the kids join them on their journey to a successful garden. It tells about the mistakes they made at first and the perseverance it took to finally make it work. It a great one—especially for our garden-growing family. View on Amazon…
6. The Storm that Stopped: A True Story About Who Jesus Is
This book from the ‘Tales that Tell the Truth’ series written by Alison Mitchell covers the miracle of Christ calming the storm and displaying His deity to His disciples. Our boys love the way Alison sets the stage and tells the story along with the fantastic illustrations. I love being reminded of how amazing my God is. View on Amazon…
7. Jesus Storybook Bible
This book, written by Sally Lloyd-Jones, starts in Genesis and winds through the Bible to Revelation. When a friend told me that she cried every time she read it, I was skeptical. Then I read through it…and cried. Every story points to the foot of the cross. It doesn’t shy away from sin, but returns to the power of the cross to cover it. View on Amazon…
8. The Biggest Story: How the Snake Crusher Brings Us Back to the Garden
Written by Kevin DeYoung, this book takes kiddos through the whole Bible, weaving in and out of the curse of sin and the power of the cross to overcome it. Don Clark’s illustrations are color-filled and vibrant. One of our favorites! View on Amazon…
So what do you think? Let me know in the comments what books you think we should add to our bookshelf. We’re always looking for more!